Task 3: Maintain an image gallery
Headline: The look of perfection
Copy: Follow a visual journey revealing MasterCool and the tastes it preserves from nature.
Image 1: 20000169614
Image 1 Copy: Capturing nature‘s freshness.
Image 2: 20000169624
Image 2 Copy: The taste of nature, at your fingertips.
Image 3: 20000169631
Image 3 Copy: Keep ingredients fresh as nature gave them.
Gallery Headline
This is a copy text.
Image Copy 1
Task 4.1: Maintain a "Feature Element"
Image: 20000147723
PreTitle: OneTouch for Two*
Headline: A simple touch for taste.
Copy: The self-explanatory touch controls, including the C-Touch display of the CM 7750, is intuitive and easy to operate with a fingertip thanks to the clear text display. In expert mode, the preparation settings such as grind size, temperature and water volume can be adjusted even during the process. Favorite coffee settings can be added to the list of programmable user profiles.
Footnote: * Not Three.
Detail Headline: One button for double enjoyment.
Detail Copy: OneTouch for Two allows two delicious coffees to be made at the same time: It’s the fastest and simplest way to enjoy two coffees together, be that Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato or another variety.
Detail Button: Link to https://www.miele.de
Task 4.2: Maintain a "Feature Element"
Add the animation: https://media.miele.com/ex/international/microsites/animations/cm-range/Hero_module_cm7_animation7.mp4
This is a pretitle.
Headline of Feature Element
This is a copy text.
This is a footnote.
This is a Detailtitle.
This is a DetailCopy.